For some businesses, data may be one of the most important assets to keep the business alive and running smoothly. Many things can be replaced however, if data is lost and not backed up it could be the end of a business. Backing up data, especially regularly and to an off site place, can protect a business from accidental computer crashes, hard drive failure, malware or viruses, computers being lost or stolen, and even physical damage such as water or fire.

Best places to backup files:

  • USB drives/SD cards
    • Best for individual files and media such as photos
  • External hard drives
    • Depending on the size of the hard drive this could be used for larger files, personal mass storage, or a computer backup
  • Dropbox/Google Drive/Similar online storage
    • Online cloud storage best used for personal use and individual files/media
  • Backblaze/CrashPlan/Similar online storage
    • Online cloud storage with a monthly payment one can get unlimited storage
    • This may be best for small business
  • Backblaze for Business/Crashplan Pro/Similar online storage
    • Large business online cloud storage
    • Unlimited storage and encryption

Best practices when backing up files

  • Backup regularly
  • Backup to an offsite location
  • Encrypt backup data especially if sensitive data
  • Make sure backups are retrievable and and useable
  • Remove and destroy unnecessary backups

Overall, data backup is very essential for a business with important data. Anything can happen and losing important customer or personal data can be devastating. There are many options for physical and online backups but making sure to backup changing data regularly and to a safe location is crucial.